Must retain dominance over all the individual beings that compose their collective form to have a better grasp of their powers.Must retain their sense of self upon becoming a collective being or risk losing control of their power and their mind.

Psychic Entity Physiology (User composed of collective psychic energy) Episodes 18-20: Three Stories Arc Episodes 21-24: Kazakiri Hyouka Arc.Mass Consciousness (Of self legion only) Scientific Symbiosis Kazakiri Hyouka (Toaru Majutsu no Index/A Certain Magical Index) wields power and exists due to her link to the AIM Diffusion Fields of the scientifically-based phenomena inducing espers in her vicinity.The only time we saw him at that state is him asleep, and thats the anime I wondered how its like for a person who cant speak and talk interacts. You know what I am really curious during this time period Accelerator, especially his condition at that time. The combination of so many individuals into one person may also allow the user to ascend to a higher plane of existence and access untold levels of power. END AN: So begins the Kazakiri Hyouka Arc. They can access the knowledge of these individualistic components to gain vast amounts of knowledge as well as tips to defeating various foes. User can form a body from the energies and bodies of different individual beings and access the abilities that belong to each individual being that makes up the user's physical form.